The Intersect Solution to Biomarker Discovery

Design Systems Biology-based Assays and Integrate with Disruptive Technology

Tissue testing technologies deployed in most “precision” medicine clinical trials are either incapable of quantitative multiplexing (ex., immunohistochemistry) and/or do not assess biomarker status in the morphological and spatial context of the tissue specimen (ex, qPCR, NGS). These technical capabilities are needed to define and identify a more informed biosignature associated with drug responses or mechanism of action. (Lu S, JAMA Oncology, 2019). As a result, few companies have been able to capitalize on the promise of a truly personalized medicine.

The Intersect Diagnostics solution is to carefully design ultra-high multiplexed assays that characterize the structural, phenotypic, and functional biological properties of the specimen within the dynamic, morphological context of the tissue in study. This context is critical to elucidate the relative importance of the identified biomarkers. For example, a tumor may express the PD-L1 and OX40 checkpoint ligands on its surface but the tissue morphology may demonstrate that lymphocytes expressing the PD-1 and OX-40 receptors are not present in the tumor-adjacent microenvironment, indicating that a checkpoint-inhibition approach may yield little benefit. (Johnson DB, Clinical Cancer Research, 2018). Using our image and processing capabilities, we deliver the test results and digitized images to our partners under secure data transfer specifications (DTS).

Explore how Intersect Diagnostics can advance discovery of biomarker signatures for your precision therapy program by contacting us at

Discover With Precision

Advancing biomarker signature discovery for precision therapeutics

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